When you add new O365 user, there is an option to assign no license. But what exactly features will be available for such users?
First, when I logged in to https://portal.office.com I got this:
No nice tiles, no App Launcher icon, no links to any O365 service at all.
I started to open direct URLs for different applications.
I could not open mailbox. I manually requested https://outlook.office365.com and got this:
Newsfeed was not working. I tried only SharePoint Newsfeed, not Yammer.
I was redirected to profile page:
I attempted to request this URL for OneDrive:
But it redirected me to profile page again.
SharePoint site was available without a problem: I uploaded documents, used office web apps to edit documents, etc. When I tried to go to “About me” to look at profile, I got this:
On the other hand, I could manually type my site url and open my profile, edit it, add picture, etc.:
It seems like user can get almost all SharePoint Online functionality, but not other O365 services, like Exchange and Skype for Business.